Description of SystemUI Tuner
READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING: https://github.com/zacharee/SystemUITunerRedesign/blob/master/Terms.md
SAMSUNG USERS READ THIS: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=72413941&postcount=283
ADB Commands for more convenient copy-paste:
- adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
- adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS
- adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.DUMP
For some reason, a lot of manufacturers seem to have a problem with us customizing our own devices, to the point where some disable the built-in Android System UI Tuner.
This app aims to fix that problem, by providing a replacement. For the most part, this is a replica of Android's System UI Tuner; however, there are a few extra goodies that Android's solution doesn't include by default.
Using this app you can:
- Control which icons appear in your status bar (not every toggle will work on every device)
- Customize Demo Mode
- Control the importance level of notifications (7.0+; doesn't work well on Samsung)
- Enable some hidden features of Android
- Toggle Immersive Mode
- Change Quick Settings options (TouchWiz 7.0 users can change the grid size)
- Customize animation speeds
- And so much more
Most features should work on most devices. Heavily customized OEM versions of Android (such as TouchWiz) will have less available. There is nothing that can be done about this.
Now for some notes:
- This app does NOT require ROOT, but you will need to grant some permissions using ADB (instructions in app). ADB IS NOT ROOT!
- If your device is rooted, the app will attempt to gain root access. You can deny access if you want, but you will need to use ADB to grant the permissions.
- This app should work on any device running Android Marshmallow (6.0) or above, except devices running MIUI and devices on TouchWiz 6.0.
- This app is EXPERIMENTAL! Certain features may not work on your particular device. If they do not, that is unfortunately out of my control.
If you have a problem, visit the XDA thread, or email me. I check these multiple times per day.
XDA: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/app-systemui-tuner-t3588675
Help Translate: https://crowdin.com/project/systemui-tuner
Thanks to Android Dev for the feature graphic!
SAMSUNG USERS READ THIS: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=72413941&postcount=283
ADB Commands for more convenient copy-paste:
- adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
- adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS
- adb shell pm grant com.zacharee1.systemuituner android.permission.DUMP
For some reason, a lot of manufacturers seem to have a problem with us customizing our own devices, to the point where some disable the built-in Android System UI Tuner.
This app aims to fix that problem, by providing a replacement. For the most part, this is a replica of Android's System UI Tuner; however, there are a few extra goodies that Android's solution doesn't include by default.
Using this app you can:
- Control which icons appear in your status bar (not every toggle will work on every device)
- Customize Demo Mode
- Control the importance level of notifications (7.0+; doesn't work well on Samsung)
- Enable some hidden features of Android
- Toggle Immersive Mode
- Change Quick Settings options (TouchWiz 7.0 users can change the grid size)
- Customize animation speeds
- And so much more
Most features should work on most devices. Heavily customized OEM versions of Android (such as TouchWiz) will have less available. There is nothing that can be done about this.
Now for some notes:
- This app does NOT require ROOT, but you will need to grant some permissions using ADB (instructions in app). ADB IS NOT ROOT!
- If your device is rooted, the app will attempt to gain root access. You can deny access if you want, but you will need to use ADB to grant the permissions.
- This app should work on any device running Android Marshmallow (6.0) or above, except devices running MIUI and devices on TouchWiz 6.0.
- This app is EXPERIMENTAL! Certain features may not work on your particular device. If they do not, that is unfortunately out of my control.
If you have a problem, visit the XDA thread, or email me. I check these multiple times per day.
XDA: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/app-systemui-tuner-t3588675
Help Translate: https://crowdin.com/project/systemui-tuner
Thanks to Android Dev for the feature graphic!
Additional Information