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v1.24 (2021-06-06)
Description of GeoWallet

GeoWallet is a minimalist light wallet. It is a wallet to the PoA-Ethereum blockchain "Geo". The Geo network asset is called "geo". Two monetary-type applications run on Geo: Fiatcoin and Famacoin. Fiatcoin's token is called "fc", which simulates a means of paymen and is used to test the performance of the Geo blockchain. The Famacoin token is called "fmc" and simulates both store value & payment means. GeoWallet allows you to exchange (send and receive) geo, fc and fmc. It also allows you to buy fmc using geo. Additionally, on Geo runs an application, called Gtxt, to send and receive text messages.

GeoWallet es una light wallet minimalista destinada exclusivamente a la blockchain PoA-Ethereum "Geo". El activo de la red Geo se llama "geo". Sobre Geo corren dos aplicaciones tipo monetarias: Fiatcoin y Famacoin. El token de Fiatcoin se llama "fc", el cual simula una moneda corriente y es usado para probar el desempeño de la red Geo. El token de Famacoin se llama "fmc" y simula medio de pago y reserva de valor. GeoWallet permite intercambiar (enviar y recibir) geo, fc y fmc. También permite comprar fmc usando geo. Adicionalmente, sobre geo corre una aplicación, llamada Gtxt, que permite enviar y recibir mensajes de texto simples.
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